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Quantum Cloud | Form & Orders

There are over 100 family court forms and the entire selection of standard family orders available within Quantum Cloud.

Financial Remedy Forms

    • A (Notice of a financial application (standard procedure))
    • A1 (Notice of a financial application (fast-track procedure))
    • B (Notice of application to consider financial position of respondent)
    • BR19 (Application for a State Pension forecast)
    • BR20 (Pensions and divorce or dissolution: Application for valuation)
    • D11 (Application Notice)
    • D81 (Statement of information for a consent order)
    • D650 (Notice of application to vary or set aside a financial order (Form E calculator error))
    • D651 (Notice of application to vary or set aside a financial remedy (Form E1 calculator error))
    • E (Financial statement for a financial order)
    • E1 (Financial statement for a financial remedy (other than a financial order))
    • E2 (Financial statement for a variation of an order for a financial remedy)
    • ES1 (FRC Composite Case Summary)
    • F (Notice of allegation in proceedings for a financial remedy)
    • FRC3 (Financial Remedies Court Gatekeeping and Allocation Certificate)
    • FRU Complexity Certificate (Central Family Court)
    • G (Notice of response to First Appointment)
    • H (Statement of costs already incurred & estimate of costs to be incurred (financial remedy))
    • H1 (Statement of costs (financial remedy))
    • High Court Judge Hearing Certificate
    • I (Notice of request for periodical payments order)
    • N260 (Costs summary assessment)
    • P (Pension Inquiry form)
    • P1 (Pension Sharing Annex)
    • P2 (Pension Attachment Annex)
    • PPF (Pension Protection Fund Inquiry form)
    • PPF1 (Pension Protection Fund sharing annex)
    • PPF2 (Pension Protection Fund attachment annex)

Divorce Forms

    • D6 (Statement of reconciliation)
    • D8 (Divorce/Dissolution Application)
    • D8B (Answer to a divorce/dissolution/(judicial) separation application)
    • D8D (Petition for a presumption of death decree/order and the dissolution of a marriage/civil partnership)
    • D8N (Application for a divorce or dissolution)
    • D8S (Application for a (judicial) separation)
    • D13B (Statement in support of a request to dispense with service)
    • D36 (Application for a decree absolute)
    • D80A (Statement in support of divorce - Adultery)
    • D80B (Statement in support of divorce - Unreasonable behaviour)
    • D80C (Statement in support of divorce - Desertion)
    • D80D (Statement in support of divorce - 2 years' separation)
    • D80E (Statement in support of divorce - 5 years' separation)
    • D80F (Statement in support of divorce - Void)
    • D80G (Statement in support of divorce - Voidable)
    • D84 (Application for a decree nisi)
    • D84NV (Application for conditional order of nullity - void marriage/civil partnership)
    • D84NVA (Application for conditional order of nullity - voidable marriage/civil partnership)

Children Forms

    • A65 (Confidential Information)
    • C (PRA1) (Parental responsibility agreement)
    • C (PRA2) (Step-parent parental responsibility agreement)
    • C (PRA3) (Parental responsibility agreement - second female parent)
    • C1 (Application: except care/supervision/s8/enforcement orders)
    • C1A (Allegations of harm/domestic violence - supplemental information)
    • C2 (Application in children proceedings)
    • C3 (Application authorising search/taking charge/delivery of a child)
    • C4 (Application for disclosure of child's whereabouts)
    • C9 (Statement of service)
    • C13A (Supplement for an application for a Special Guardianship Order)
    • C51 (Application for a parental order s54/54A)
    • C52 (Acknowledgment s54/54A)
    • C60 (Certificate Art 39 Council Reg.(EC) on parental responsibility)
    • C61 (Certificate Art 41(1) of EC Council Regulation on rights of access)
    • C63 (Application for declaration of parentage)
    • C64 (Application for declaration of legitimacy under s56)
    • C65 (Application for declaration as to adoption effected overseas)
    • C66 (Application for inherent jurisdiction order in relation to children)
    • C67 (Application under Child Abduction & Custody Act 1985)
    • C68 (Application for international transfer of jurisdiction)
    • C69 (Application for registration etc under Council Reg.(EC)/Hague Convention)
    • C78 (Application for attachment of warning notice to a child arrangements order)
    • C79 (Application related to enforcement of a child arrangements order)
    • C100 (Application under Children Act 1989)
    • C120 (Witness statement template - child arrangements/parental dispute)
    • FM1 (Family Mediation Information)

Family Law Act Forms

    • FL401(Application for a non-molestation/an occupation order)
    • FL403A (Application to vary, extend or discharge a forced marriage protection order)
    • FL403 (Application to vary, extend or discharge an order in existing proceedings)
    • FL415 (Statement of Service)

Other Forms

    • C8 (Confidential contact details)
    • D5 (Notice to be indorsed on document served in accordance with r6.14)
    • D50A (Notice of proceedings/acknowledgement of service under s17 of MWPA 1882)
    • D50B (Application under s17 of MWPA 1882)
    • D50C (Application on ground of failure to provide reasonable maintenance)
    • D50D (Application for alteration of maintenance agreement after death of one of parties)
    • D50E (Application for permission to apply for financial relief after an overseas divorce)
    • D50F (Application for financial relief after an overseas divorce etc)
    • D50G (Application to prevent transaction intended to defeat prospective applications for financial relief)
    • D50H (Application for alteration of maintenance agreement during parties lifetime)
    • D50J (Application for an order preventing avoidance under s32L of CSA 1991)
    • D50K (Notice of application for enforcement)
    • D62 (Request for issue of judgment summons)
    • D70 (Application for declaration of marital/civil partnership status)
    • D89 (Request for personal service by a court bailiff)
    • D151 (Application for registration of maintenance order)
    • D180 (Art 39 Council Regulation (EC) Certificate concerning judgments in matrimonial matters)
    • D252 (Notice of commencement of assessment of bill of costs)
    • D254 (Request for a default costs certificate)
    • D258 (Request for detailed assessment hearing (general form))
    • D258A (Request for detailed assessment (legal aid/Legal Services Commission only))
    • D258B (Request for detailed assessment (costs payable out of a fund other than Community Legal Service Fund))
    • D258C (Request for detailed assessment hearing pursuant to order under Pt III of Solicitors Act 1974
    • D259 ( Notice of appeal against detailed assessment)
    • EX107 (Request for transcription of Court or Tribunal proceedings)
    • EX160 (Apply for help with court fees)
    • EX160B (Apply for remission of court fee)
    • EX740 (Application/information needed by court to consider whether to prevent questioning in person: to be completed by person making abuse accusation)
    • EX741 (Application/information needed by court to consider whether to prevent questioning in person: to be completed by person accused of abuse)
    • FP1 (Application under Part 19 of FPR 2010)
    • FP2 (Application notice: Part 18 FPR 2010)
    • FP5 (Acknowledgment of service: application under Part 19 FPR 2010)
    • FP6 (Certificate of service)
    • FP8 (Notice of change of solicitor)
    • FP161 (Appellant's notice: appeals to Family Division of High Court)
    • FP162 (Respondent's notice: appeals in Family Division of High Court)
    • FP244 (Application notice within appeals to Family Division of High Court)
    • FRP10 (Notice of acting)
    • HR1 (Land Registry application for registration of notice of home rights)
    • N5 (Claim form for possession of property)
    • N117 (General form of undertaking)
    • N161 (Appellant's notice: all appeals except small claims track/to High Court)
    • N208 (Claim Form (CPR Part 8))
    • N337 (request for Attachment of Earnings Order)
    • UN1 (Land Registry application to enter unilateral notice)

Standard Family Orders

    • Financial Proceedings Directions Orders
    • Financial Remedy Final Orders
    • Miscellaneous Interim Remedies Orders
    • Enforcement Orders
    • Committal Related Orders
    • Financial Arbitration Related Orders
    • Private Law Children Orders
    • Public Law Children Orders
    • Disclosure Orders For Child’s Whereabouts
    • Family Law Act 1996, Part IV Orders
    • Linked Criminal and Care Proceedings Orders
    • Immigration and Asylum Tribunal Related Orders
    • Abduction, 1980 Hague Convention, Wardship, Brussels IIR and 1986 Hague Convention Orders
    • Reporting Restrictions Orders
    • Forced Marriage Orders
    • Female Genital Mutilation Orders
    • Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008, Section 54 Orders
    • Family Law Act 1986, Part III Orders
    • Medical Treatment and Withdrawal Orders
    • Civil restraint Orders
    • Production Orders
    • Children Arbitration Related Orders
    • Child Deprivation of Liberty Orders