Guide | Document Manager - Solicitor
You can now attach relevant documents neatly to your client’s Quantum case.
The new Document Manager module offers the facility to securely upload and attach PDF documents to your Quantum files and within that to individual forms.
If you subscribe to our Quantum Collaborate add-on module, this feature is included, as well as the facility to securely send and receive documents to and from your clients.
Tools - Document Manager
All uploaded documents live in the Document Manager.
Click the Tools dropdown and select ‘Document Manager’
To upload a PDF document, you can either drag and drop it or click ‘Drop files(s) here or click to browse your files to open File Explorer and select your document.
The program will run a quick virus scan and when the document is successfully uploaded you will see the following two symbols (highlighted) below. The file name and the uploaded date will also be displayed.
allows you to download the document and
allows you to delete the document.
The ‘referenced in’ information will automatically generate when you attach the document in a form or form section
Attaching documents to Forms E, E1 and E2
Documents required as attachments for Forms E, E1 and E2, such as bank statements and valuations, can be linked to specific items within sections of the form.
If you have already uploaded your documents using the document manager, you can select them in the section of your Form E using the dropdown:
Alternatively you can drag and drop a document into the highlighted box (so uploading and attaching it at the same time):
If we go back to the Document Manager located in the tools section, any documents which have been allocated in a section of the form will be referenced here:
Attaching documents to forms other than Forms E, E1 or E2
To attach a document to any other form use the ‘Attachments’ button next to the ‘Print or download’ button.
This will allow you to assign any documents you have uploaded into your Document Manager to this form.
Click the Attach button to attach this document to this form and you will see that the document now appears in your list of attached files.
The attachment is now also referenced in the Document manager.
Schedule of documents
Attachments can also be referenced in the Forms E, E1 and E2 Schedule of documents.
Under the Schedule of documents dropdown, select compile to create the basis of a Schedule of documents from the information entered in the form, including any attachments.
You will see the documents referenced in each entry:
Modifying the document will allow you to change the status and the page number in bundle:
Printing or downloading attachments with a form
*You must have compiled your Schedule of Documents before printing or downloading with attachments.*
To download the attachments with a form, select Print or Download and set the scope to ‘Entire form with attachments’
This will ensure that any attachments added to this particular form will be visible at the end.
Using Document Manager with Collaborate – (additional functionality for Collaborate subscribers)
With Quantum Collaborate, users can receive and send documents from their clients, allowing the clients to provide relevant documents instantly and within a secure environment.
There are now 3 options to choose from when setting up someone to collaborate on a file with you. They are:
- Client (with documents)
- Barrister/other (with documents)
- Barrister/other (without documents)
The ‘Barrister/other (without documents)’ will be particularly useful if you do not wish to share any documents with the other side's solicitor.
If you choose the either ‘Client with documents’ or ‘Barrister/other with documents’ any documents in your Document manager will be automatically shared with, and visible to, your collaborator.
If a client has shared any documents with you, you will see them here:
Like other changes made by your collaborator you have the option to ‘Accept all’ or ‘Compare’
Clicking ‘Compare’ will provide a list of your client’s uploaded documents compared to your own, which can be found further down in the list:
Any documents that you don’t wish to accept can be deleted here using this icon
Once you have reviewed the list, accept those documents you do want to import into your case at the bottom of the page by clicking ‘accept changes’
Any documents accepted from a collaborator will be automatically uploaded into your Document manager, and into the relevant sections of a form if referenced there by your collaborator: