Guide | Document Manager - Clients
With Quantum Collaborate you can attach relevant PDF documents, such as your marriage certificate or bank statements, to your case and to individual forms with our easy to use Document Manager. This means you can send the documents to your solicitor in a completely secure environment.
Tools - Document Manager
All uploaded documents live in the Document Manager.
Click the Tools dropdown and select ‘Document Manager’
To upload a PDF document, you can either drag and drop it or click ‘(Drop files(s) here or click to browse your files) to open the file explorer window and select the document you want to upload.
The program will run a quick virus scan and when the document is successfully uploaded you will see the following two symbols (highlighted) below. The file name and the uploaded date will also be displayed.
allows you to download the document and
allows you to delete the document.
The ‘referenced in’ information will automatically generate when you attach the document to a form or a section of a form.
Attaching documents to Forms E, E1 and E2
Documents required as attachments for Forms E, E1 and E2, such as bank statements and valuations, can be linked to specific items within sections of the form.
If you have already uploaded your documents using the document manager, you can select them in the section of your Form E using the dropdown:
Alternatively, you can drag and drop a document into the highlighted box (so uploading and attaching it at the same time):
If we go back to the Document Manager located in the tools section, any documents which have been allocated in a section of the form will be referenced here: