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Judge’s ‘extreme concern’ about mother who publicised details of family court case on fundraising page

11th December 2023

Law Gazette

A mother who set up a fundraising page for her family case has lost in her application to travel with her children to Asia after the website made it ‘difficult for the court to trust’ that she will not breach an order as a result of ‘another serious error of judgment’.

The family court case involved child arrangement orders for two young children, including an order permitting the mother to remove the children temporarily from the UK to visit maternal family members abroad.

The judgment in A father v A mother described the mother’s GoFundMe as a ‘misguided attempt’ to raise funds for legal proceedings. On the page, the mother named herself and the children, included a photograph and details of her applications in family proceedings as well as allegations, not pursued in court, against the father.

Read more: Law Gazette

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