Books & Publications

Financial Remedies Practice 2024-2025

Authors: Sir Nicholas Mostyn, Lewis Marks KC, Richard Sear KC, Gavin Smith, Phillip Blatchly, Joshua Viney, Henrietta Boyle, & Henry Pritchard


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Product Overview

Product Description

Financial Remedies Practice is firmly established as the essential, specialist reference for all financial remedy practitioners.

Cited and used in courts every day, this unique book combines in a single portable volume authoritative commentary on financial remedies practice and procedure together with the full and up-to-date text of the relevant Family Procedure Rules and Practice Directions.

The Commentary is led by the team responsible for both At A Glance and AAG Cloud, so you can be confident that the guidance is current, trusted and insightful.

Financial Remedies Practice provides unrivaled coverage of myriad decisions and developments under the CPR now reflected in many of the key aspects of financial remedies practice, such as injunctions, relief from sanctions, costs and general case management.

What's new for 2024?

  • Important amendments to FPR Parts 3 and 28, expanding the court’s powers to promote N-CDR, removing the mediator’s MIAM exemption and making a failure, without good reason, to attend a MIAM or N-CDR litigation conduct
  • Recent leading case law on N-CDR: Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil BC and Re X
  • New Family Court Listing Guidance (January 2024)
  • Potanina v Potanin (MFPA 1984, Part 3)
  • Expansion of the Commentary on Part 22 dealing with the giving of remote evidence from overseas.
Delivery and shipping information

Delivery is free on orders over £100. Orders can be despatched same day when placed before 1PM Monday to Friday. Orders are not processed or shipped during weekends or holidays.

Delivery fees are not charged on print pre-orders or annual subscriptions of the Financial Remedies Journal as post & packing is included in the item price.

If you have ordered an e-book, you will shortly receive an email with a link to access your book on our bespoke e-reader. There is also a link to access your book on your order confirmation.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact or call our office on 01652 652 222.

Who is this product most suited for?
  • Important amendments to FPR Parts 3 and 28, expanding the court’s powers to promote N-CDR, removing the mediator’s MIAM exemption and making a failure, without good reason, to attend a MIAM or N-CDR litigation conduct
  • Recent leading case law on N-CDR: Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil BC and Re X
  • New Family Court Listing Guidance (January 2024)
  • Potanina v Potanin (MFPA 1984, Part 3)
  • Expansion of the Commentary on Part 22 dealing with the giving of remote evidence from overseas.
Author Biography & Information

Sir Nicholas Mostyn was a barrister for 30 years specialising in “big money” cases, appearing in the foundational decisions of White, Miller and Granatino v Radmacher. He became a High Court judge in 2010 and sat in the Family Division, where he gave many judgments of major importance in the financial remedy field.

Lewis Marks KC is a barrister at QEB Chambers. He practises in family law, in particular in the sphere of "big money ancillary relief" (financial provision following divorce), and has appeared in many of the leading cases. He drafted the FLBA's response to the European Commission's Green Paper ("Rome III") on the applicable law and jurisdiction on international divorce matters.

Richard Sear KC practises in all areas of private family law and tends to be instructed in complex financial cases and jurisdiction disputes, both with and against leading counsel. He was shortlisted in 2014 for the award of Chambers and Partners family law junior barrister of the year.

Gavin Smith is a family law barrister at 1 Hare Court. He specialises in financial disputes resulting from all forms of relationship breakdown, especially those with an international dimension.

Phillip Blatchly is consistently ranked as a leading matrimonial finance junior by both of the legal directories, Chambers and Partners and The Legal 500. He is described as being “exceptional”, “charming yet ferocious”, able to “change his line of attack very easily” whilst also “being willing to take a judge on”. He is said to have “a brain like a calculator” and is a “skilled advocate with an impressive technical grasp of the law”.

Joshua Viney is a Family Law Barrister at 1 Hare Court.

Henrietta Boyle is a family law barrister at 1 Hare Court, specialising in financial remedy cases. She has had over 50 articles and case summaries published across various family law platforms. Henrietta has also worked as a Judicial Assistant in the Family Division of the High Court.

Henry Pritchard is a family law barrister at 1 Hare Court, specialising in financial remedy cases.

Product Details

  • Publisher

    Class Legal

  • ISBN/Ean

    Print ISBN: | 978-1-80161-120-6

    Digital ISBN: | 978-1-80161-121-3

  • Edition

    13th Edition 2024

  • Available Formats

    Digital, Print

  • E-Book Compatibility

    Class Legal E-reader

  • Published


  • Country of Origin

    United Kingdom

  • Book Language


  • Pages


  • Dimensions

    24 x 15.5 x 5

Customer Reviews

'Mostyn was from the outset responsible for all the heavy lifting on FRP which remains distinctively a monument to his erudition and mastery of the sources. Its up-to-date coverage of both the family and the civil case-law is so extensive – seemingly exhaustive – as to put the poor old White Book to shame.'

Financial Remedies Practice

Sir James Munby, Former President of the Family Division

'...this is undoubtedly the most comprehensive guide to financial remedies procedure'

Financial Remedies Practice

Law Gazette,

Undoubtedly the best and most useful textbook on Financial Remedy work. Focused, practical and extremely user friendly.

Financial Remedies Practice

James Roberts KC, 1 Kings Bench Walk Chambers

The book’s strongest point is the sheer level of detail and analysis on the application of the FPR 2010. This exceeds that set out in the Red Book.

Financial Remedies Practice

Andrew Newbury, Hall Brown, writing for the Law Gazette​
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